Smart Supply Chain and Intelligent Intermodal Corridor Management for the China-Europe land-sea express line.”
Recent research and business practice pinpoint that the integration of new technologies for the digitalization of the corridors facilitates the efficiency and sustainability of international and inter-urban freight transportation. In view of enhancing the competitiveness of globalised intermodal freight transport networks, such as the China-Europe land-sea express line, digitalization is one of the main drivers for achieving cost minimization, improved efficiency, as well as simplification and better use of resources and infrastructures. However, the current system fragmentation, the lack of effective communication and cooperation among the involved actors, as well as the inadequate accessibility to data result to quite limited visibility along the supply chains and constitute the still remaining issues in intermodal transport.
In view of the abovementioned barriers and current challenges in intermodal freight transportation, the SMART-CORRIDORS project, aims at enhancing the competitiveness of the China-Europe land-sea express line by employing Smart Supply Chain and Intelligent Intermodal Corridor Management technologies and tools.
The SMART CORRIDORS project is a 36-month project, co-financed by Greece and the European Union and with a consortium that consists of research institutions, consulting and industrial companies from both China and Greece: the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT), member of Open ENLoCC, and project coordinator, the technology provider TREDIT S.A., the Chinese Academy of Transport Sciences (CATS) and the end-user COSCO Shipping Logistics.

The innovation of SMART CORRIDORS project lies in the design and development of an integrated digital solution that will act as a mediator between existing systems for enhancing the procedural effectiveness, operational efficiency and communication between the involved actors and will provide the following interoperability services:
- A Collaboration Platform for end-to-end visibility and process monitoring through seamless data exchange between the involved entities. The platform will provide the ability of exchanging data between different entities/platforms and offers data transformation capabilities as well as business logic components to be built and/or connected to allow data enrichment/matching capabilities
- An integrated Dashboard that will act as the corridors main observatory which will provide operational performance metrics and business-oriented benchmarks.
After the development of the SMART CORRIDORS system, a pilot demonstration supported by COSCO Shipping Logistics and COSCO Network e-logistics will be implemented while simulation modelling is foreseen to assess the effectiveness and validate the expected positive impacts of large-scale deployment.

Georgia Ayfantopoulou
Project Coordinator, Deputy Director, Research Director
Elpida Xenou
Deputy Head of the Logistics Lab, Hellenic Institute of Transport/CERTH
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The publication of the European Review of Regional Logistics is supported by a grant of Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH (WRS).
European regional review, Issue 2022/1
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