Dear Friends,
The European Network of Logistics Competence Centres at Regional Level, is glad to announce the final date for the
OPEN ENLoCC Virtual annual Conference November 9th 2022
This year the conference will have a specific topic:
In June 2020, OPEN ENLoCC published a position paper on the importance of the INTERREG in the transport sector, which was signed also from more than 150 Organizations around Europe. Its main aim was to highlight the strategic nature of transport priority and to introduce and suggest some further advices on how to properly address such priority within the upcoming programming period, 2021-2027.
Freight transport is a silent sector, which is currently suffering the crisis of our last years and the fluctuation of the fuel costs due to the war in Ukraine.
European Commission set ambitious targets in the last years to reduce emissions and to make EU a more livable territory.
Although restrictions and rules were adopted, transport is the only sector which increased emissions in the last years, and the solution is far away. The reason is on the behavior of consumers and on a wrong perception from the public sector, which is not fully aware of transport supply chains.
Europe is funding several projects on freight transport thanks to different Funding programmes. In particular 1)Horizon Europe, mainly dedicated to the innovation and more market side, 2)Connecting Europe Facility to support the completion of the TEN-T Network within 2030 (core) and 2050 (comprehensive), 3)Life the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action, and finally 4)INTERREG, which is the focus of this virtual event.
It is very important to make the Public sector (which make the rules) and the private one (which deliver goods) closer. To keep it sustainable, it is fundamental to apply several conditions and restrictions, like as green vehichles, reduction of public space, definition of time windows in city center, eco-driving, etc. Freight Transport is ready to use new technologies, adopt new concepts and define new collaborative paths (also horizontal collaborations among transport operators for example) in the private sector, to achieve the reduction of emissions, to maximize the use of land and to collect data useful for planning purposes for Public Administrations.
In our opinion INTERREG is the only funding Programme able to allow this at European Level. Collaborative research, common methodologies, development of action plans and definition of new rules, aslo after a pilot test is the most interesting tool Europe has at disposal, able to reduce the distance between public and private sectors.
Confirmed Speakers

Gilles Kittel
European Commission DG Regio
IPA/EUSAIR/Accession Negotiations Team Leader in DG REGIO, European Commission

Paola Chiarini
European Commission DG MOVE
Research and Innovative Transport Systems at European Commission

Lydwine Lafontaine
Project Officer in charge of the Results Amplification Strategy.
Since 2008, she has been working in the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg MED Programme where she is currently in charge of projects on governance in the Mediterranean.

Lodovico Gherardi
INTERREG Adrion IPA Managing Authority
Coordinator of the Managing Authority on behalf of the Emilia-Romagna Region, European Policy Department

Robert Spisiak
European Commission DG Regio
Programme Manager – Desk Officer for European Cross-Border Cooperation programmes (INTERREG); Senior specialist for sustainable growth matrix interaction (Transport & Mobility) in REGIO.D.2

Lluis Puerto
EIT Urban Mobility
Market Development Director. He worked for the past 22 years in the mobility sector, specialised in intelligent transport systems, road safety, environmental impact and end user behaviour from the technical research, policy making and consultancy roles.

Erwin Siweris
Programme Director. Due to previous commitments he will send a video dedicated to the Programme
Key note speech

Jeanett Bolther
PNO Innovation Spain
Jeanett Bolther is Senior Innovation Consultant at PNO Innovation Spain and the leader of the cross-border team on Transport & Mobility within PNO Group. She has a BS in Business and Economics from the University of Southern Denmark and since 2010 she has specialised in the preparation, submission, and coordination of funded EU projects in the 7th Framework programmes, H2020 and Interreg programmes. She is specialized in R&D&I in the area of transport, mobility and logistics and she has been involved in numerous EU-funded projects supporting international organisations, research centres and industrial partners in coordinating European projects and in exploitation activities by ensuring the project impact among relevant stakeholders. She has worked 12 years for the Knowledge Transfer Office at an international research institute that served as the vital link between researchers and the community in terms of the dissemination, exchange, and commercialization of knowledge, which includes know-how, skills and expertise, for both commercial and non-commercial applications. Through knowledge transfer, she aimed to forge close ties with industry, business, public administration, and the wider public. She was responsible for the networking activities with both private and public stakeholders and was involved in creating numerous stakeholder networks such as the European Technology Platform in Logistics (ALICE), the Spanish Technology Platform in Logistics, Intermodality and Mobility (Logistop), and the Regional Cluster in Logistics in Aragón (ALIA).
The event will be available on Youtube, Linkedin and Instagram profiles of OPEN ENLoCC.
Coordinator of the Managing Authority on behalf of the Emilia-Romagna Region, European Policy Department

Agenda draft
Session | Start time |
Introduction | 10:00:00 |
Keynote speech Jeanett Bolther – Senior Innovation Consultant at PNO Innovation Spain | 10:15:00 |
Gilles KITTEL DG Regio (EUSAIR) | 10:40:00 |
Robert SPISIAK DG Regio (Unit D.2 – Interreg, Cross-Border Cooperation, Internal Borders) | 10:55:00 |
Paola Chiarini, Project officer at DG MOVE | 11:10:00 |
Lluis Puerto, Market Development Director at EIT Urban mobility | 11:25:00 |
Lodovico Gherardi – INTERREG IPA ADRION | 11:45:00 |
Lydwine Lafontaine – INTERREG EuroMED | 12:00:00 |
Erwin Siweris (INTERREG Europe) video | 12:15:00 |
Panel discussion between OPEN ENLoCC and DG Regio, Q/A time & closure | 12:30:00 |